This is a recipe I modified from a cake recipe I found at The Purple Foodie. I have cut down the sugar, used fresh ginger and crystalline ginger. This cake is very delicious
All purpose white flour - 7 oz
Crystalline ginger - 2 oz - chopped
Baking Powder - 1 tsp
Butter - 7 oz
Sugar - 5 oz
Eggs - 3
Fresh ginger juice - 1 tsp
Pear - 1 - thin wedge
Raw cashew - 2 oz - chopped
Caster sugar - 1 tbsp
1- Mixed flour, baking powder and crystalline ginger in a bowl
2- Soften 1 oz of butter and mix with the cashew
3- In a separate bowl, cream 6 oz butter and sugar.
4- Add egg and mix, one at a time. Add ginger juice lastly
5- Fold in the flour mixture
6- Put the mixture into a 9" cake pan. Arrange pear slices.
7- Evenly spread out the cashew on top
8- Sprinkle caster sugar on top
9 - Bake in pre-heated oven at 350 deg F for 35-40 minutes, or until a skewer comes out clean.

I have made a second version and I found it better with 6 oz of yogurt and 8 oz flour and 8 oz (7 oz butter in the cake batter) yields a moist cake in a bunt pan.